Welcome to My Site!
Hi there, my name is Evan Oman. I am a software engineer, technical lead, and a lover of learning (a philomath). I am currently a Senior Software Engineer at Omega Point, working on data engineering and portfolio optimization. I have my Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics and I am very interested in Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Software Development. See my LinkedIn, complete resume and Github Account for more information on my background.
Quick Facts
- BA in Mathematics from Bethany Lutheran College
- MS in Applied Mathematics (C.S. Minor) from the University of Minnesota – Duluth
- 6 years as Software Engineer at Black River Systems
- 2.5 years experience as Data Science Consultant (Salt.io, ZAIS Group)
- 2 years experience as Software Architect at ZAIS Group
- Currently Senior Software Engineer at Omega Point
- I have been working remotely from my home office since 2018
- I live in a small town with my lovely wife, two young sons, two dogs, and a cat

Evan’s Media Diet
Books I’ve Loved
- Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
- Deep Work by Cal Newport
- Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman by Richard Feynman
- The Pragmatic Programmer by Andy Hunt
- The Investment Biker by Jim Rogers
What I Am Listening To
Please direct all inquiries to evan.david.oman@gmail.com